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Dawan was invited by Samarkand State to participate in a business docking and negotiation conference, visit Pengsheng Industrial Park, and promote the landing of China Ukraine's first energy-saving building materials park.
Release time:2024-08-07 15:40:45        Views:18

On May 3, 2024, Deputy Governor of Kerim, Syrah Oblast, introduced relevant tariff preferences and tax policies to You Zhijun, discussed preliminary plans for building an energy-saving building materials industrial park with You Zhijun, and then visited the China Ukraine Demonstration Park - Pengsheng Industrial Park.

On May 4, 2024, the Samarkand state government invited the Youzhijun team to participate in a business docking negotiation meeting. Relevant officials from the Samarkand state government and business representatives gathered together with representatives from various global enterprises for in-depth exchanges, aiming to promote further practical exchanges and cooperation between the two sides. After the meeting, Ms. Wang Xiaoyou, Chairman of Youzhijun Group and Dawan Industrial, was interviewed by Samarkand TV as an outstanding investment representative in Ukraine.

**Background Analysis of Uzbekistan's Building Materials Industry

With the economic development of Central Asian countries and the expansion of infrastructure, China has become Uzbekistan's third largest trading partner.

There are abundant raw materials for various building materials in Ukraine, including 21 marble production areas and 16 granite production areas, as well as various industrial waste, metallurgical slag, thermal power plant ash, etc., which can be used as building materials. The main building materials products in Ukraine include cement, reinforced concrete components, floor leather, asbestos cement boards (tiles), building glass, marble, soft paving materials, etc. With the development of the Ukrainian economy and the continuous implementation of real estate projects, the demand for building materials in the market continues to increase. From 2015 to 2017, with the deepening of enterprise technological transformation, the production scale of building materials in Ukraine increased by 49.5%. Among them, cement production increased from an annual output of 10 million tons to nearly 20 million tons in 2018, an increase of 55%. Ukraine attaches great importance to the development of the building materials industry, and the output value of the building materials industry accounts for about 30% of Ukraine's GDP.

Uzbekistan has a severely arid continental climate, with long and hot summers and cold winters, with a large temperature difference between day and night. Therefore, there is a high demand for some fire-resistant, thermal insulation building materials; In addition to traditional building materials and equipment, there is a significant demand for other building materials such as tiles, sanitary ware, doors and windows, wallpaper, medium and high-density fiberboard, and technical equipment for producing these building materials. The main types of building materials that Ukraine cannot produce include steel, black metal fittings, insulation boards, medium and high-density fiberboards, etc.

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